Turkey Tangle Frogfruit

Phyla nodiflora

Turkey Tangle Frogfruit Phyla nodiflora is a short (6”), semi-evergreen, perennial herbaceous plant that occurs across much of Louisiana in ditches and fields, along roadways, and on beaches. It blooms (white to pink or reddish flowers) March – November. It grows well in most soil types and moisture regimes and tolerates both droughts and flooding.

Turkey Tangle Frogfruit spreads rapidly where site conditions are favorable. In landscaping, use it as a groundcover; it is evergreen where winter temperatures are mild and frost-free. Turkey Tangle Frogfruit is a good nectar plant for butterflies, and a larval host to Buckeye, Phaon Crescentspot, and White Peacock butterflies.

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Louisiana Native Plant Society