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35th Annual BBBBB – Pitkin

April 5 @ 8:00 am - 8:00 pm

The 35th Annual BBBBB
(Sponsored by the West Gulf Plain Chapter of Wild Ones)
Friday, April 4, 2025
2 pm: Scouting for Sat tours and Allen Acres tour
6 pm-till: Supper and Power Point Presentations. Net-working, etc. Allen Acres (For directions, see below). We also will count fireflys and go sheeting (mothing), spider eyes, and maybe hear owls, and ?
Saturday, Apil 5, 2025:
8 am: “Forest Service Traditional BBBBB” WE are planning to visit pitcher plant bogs, upland areas, and other ecosystems. Hope to see Oklahoma grass pink orchid and ?
12-130 pm Lunch Break and Birthday Blast for Charles Allen and Laura Simmons and ?
130 PM “Afternoon Field Trip” See 8 am above. We are planning to visit pitcher plant bogs, upland areas, and other ecosystems.
6:00 pm till: Power-Point Presentations, net-working, etc. We also will count fireflys and go sheeting (mothing), spider eyes, and maybe hear owls, and ?
Sunday April 6, 2025:
8 am: “Sunday Morning Field Trip” Allen Acres hike or?
* During the weekend, we will continue our bioblitz by adding any new species to the cumulative Allen Acres list
For more information, contact Dr. Charles Allen or Susan Allen 337-328-2252 email native@camtel.net. You are invited to stay in the B and B (www.allenacresbandb.com) at a special $80 rate per night.
Directions to Allen Acres: From the east sides of the state, get on La 10 going west out of Oakdale and follow La 10 thru Elizabeth and Pitkin and then six miles past Pitkin, you will enter Cravens. In Cravens you will turn south (left) onto La 399. La 399 is just east of the two stores in Cravens. If you are coming from the west, you will turn onto La 10 at Pickering and follow La 10 just south of Ft Polk and continue east for about 15 miles. After entering Cravens, watch for the store on the right and then turn right onto La 399. Now all are on La 399, follow it south for 1.8-1.9 miles and in a sharp curve to the left, turn right into our driveway. If you are coming from the south, get on La 112 (an east-west road) just se of DeRidder and turn north onto La 399. You will travel north on La 399 for six miles and turn left into Allen Acres


April 5
8:00 am - 8:00 pm

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