2013 Spring LNPS Newsletter


  • The Limestone Hill at Winnfield Louisiana
  • David Moore
  • Reginald G. W. Cocks
  • N. F. Peterson
  • Eugene W. Hilgard
  • Gilbert D. Harris
  • A.C Veatch
  • A Preliminary Report on the Geology of Louisiana – 1899
  • Notes on the Geology of the Winnfield Sheet – 1907
  • Ferns
  • Black-stemmed spleenwort
  • Asplenium resiliens
  • Maidenhair spleenwort
  • Asplenium trichomanes
  • Alabama lipfern
  • Cheilanthes alabamensis
  • Purple cliff brake
  • Pellaea atropurpurea
  • The Identification of or Question About some of our Woody Plants
  • Dr. Charles Allen
  • Rhododendron
  • Azalea
  • Wild honeysuckle
  • Rhododendron canescens
  • Rhododendron oblongifolium
  • Rhododendron viscosum

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