2000 Winter LNPS Newsletter


  • ‘Miracle Under the Oaks – the Revival of Nature in America’
  • Willam K. Stevens
  • Ecosystem restoration movement of the 1970s
  • Oak Savanna
  • North Branch Prairie Project
  • ‘Prairie Garden update: Lessons from Year XII’
  • Bill Fontenot
  • wax myrtle
  • Myrica cerifera
  • Aniscicanthus wrightii
  • flame acanthus
  • groundsel bush
  • Baccharis spp
  • West Indian lantana
  • Lantana camara
  • swamp rose
  • Rosa palustris
  • Hibiscus laevis
  • leadplant
  • Amorpha fruiticosa
  • easterm redbud
  • Cercis canadensis
  • sweetbay magnolia
  • Magnolia virginiana
  • compass plant
  • Silphium gracile
  • joe pye weed
  • Eupatorium maculatum
  • mountain mint
  • Pycanthemum albescens
  • wild bergamot
  • Monarda fistulosum
  • pitcher sage
  • Salvie azurea spp
  • little bluestem
  • Schizachrium scoparium
  • Rudbeckia graqndiflora alismifolia
  • blue flowering boneset
  • Eupatorium ivifolium
  • big bluestem
  • Andropogon gerardii
  • seaside goldenrod
  • Solidago sempirvirens mexicana
  • switch Grass
  • Panicum virgatum
  • western ironweed
  • Vernonia baldwinii
  • flat topped goldenrod
  • Euthania leptocaphala
  • doll’s daisy
  • Boltonia spp
  • white crownbeard
  • Verbesina virginica
  • white flowered salt marsh mallow
  • Kosteletzkya virginiana ‘Immaculate’
  • Smilax pumila
  • Carl Amason
  • Sarsparilla vine
  • Illustrations
    • Lindera benzoin
    • Rhus aromatica
    • Salvia azura
    • Verbascina virginica
    • Eryngium sp,
    • Smilax pumila

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