1995 Fall LNPS Newsletter


  •  “Invasive exotics of Southeastern United States”
  • Bill Fontenot
  • Japanese climbing fern
  • Lygodium japonicum
  • Chinese privet
  • Ligustrum sinense
  • Japanese honeysuckle
  • Lonicera japonica
  • Chinese tallow tree
  • Sapium sebiferum
  • Brazilian vervain
  • Verbena brasiliensis
  • vaseygrass
  • Paspalum notatum
  • dallis grass
  • Papalum dilantatum
  • bahia grass
  • Paspalum notatum
  • water hyacinth
  • Eichhornia crassipes
  • kudzu
  • Pueraria lobata
  • Physalis pubescens
  • ground cherry
  • Dr. R Dale Thomas
  • Physalis angulata
  • Physalis heterophylla
  • R. cordata
  • Physalis pruniosa
  • “Creating Butterfly Habitat”
  • Dr. Malcolm Vidrine
  • Asclepius
  • milkweed
  • thistle
  • sunflower
  • “Preferred Hosts for Larvae (caterpillars) of Butterflies of the Cajun Prairie
  • solanum tuberosum
  • Irish potato
  • solarum carolinense
  • horse nettle
  • Physalis philadelphica
  • tomatillo

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