1994 Spring LNPS Newsletter


  • “Forest Stewardship in Louisiana: A Look at some rare plants in Louisiana’s pine-hardwood forests”
  • LA Natural Heritage Program
  • loblolly pine
  • Pinus taeda
  • longleaf pine
  • Pinus palustris
  • slash pine
  • Pinus elliottii
  • spruce pine
  • Pinus glabra
  • shortleaf pine
  • Pinus echinate
  • sweet gum
  • Liquidamber sytraciflua
  • beech
  • Fagus grandiflora
  • water oak
  • Quercus nigra
  • cherrybark oak
  • Quercus pagoda
  • swamp chestnut oak
  • Quercus michauxii
  • white oak
  • Quercus alba
  • Southern magnolia
  • Magnolia grandiflora
  • tulip tree
  • Liriodendron tulipfera
  • American elm
  • Ulmus americana
  • red maple
  • Acer rubrum
  • pigut hickory
  • Carya glabra
  • Souther red oak
  • Quercus falcata
  • post oak
  • Quercus stellata
  • blackjack oak
  • Quercus marilandica
  • black gum
  • Nyssa sylvatica
  • mockernut hickory
  • Carya tomentosa
  • sassafras
  • Sassafras albidum
  • Cyperipedium kentuckiense
  • Oglethorpe oak
  • Quercus oglethorpensis
  • starry campion
  • Silene stellata
  • wahoo
  • Euonymus atropurpureaus
  • white leaved leather flower
  • Clematis glaucophylla
  • southern wood fern
  • Dryopteris ludoviciana
  • fire pink
  • Slilene virginica
  • Texas trillium
  • Trillium pusillam var. texanum
  • “Horsesugar (sweetleaf) in Louisiana”
  • R. Dale Thomas
  • Charles M Allen
  • Horsesugar
  • Symplocos tinctoria (L.) L’Her
  • sweet leaf
  • yellowwood
  • Florida laurel
  • Dyebush
  • wild laurel
  • Symplocos var asheii “Weatherby”
  • Symplocos var pygmaea fern
  • Symplocos paniculata
  • sapphireberry

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