- bog plants
- Habenaria ciliaris
- yellow fringed orchid
- Lilium catesbaei
- catesby
- pine lily
- Macranthera flammea
- flame flower
- Rhexia alifanus
- meadow beauty
- Eriocaulon decangulara
- pipewort
- Stokes laevis
- Stokes aster
- Polygala ramose
- yellow polygala
- Xyris iridifolia
- yellow eyed grass
- Cacalia plantaginea
- Indian plantain
- Sarracenia alata
- yellow pitcherplant
- Rhododendron serrulatum
- summmer azalea
- swamp azalea
- Cornus florida
- dogwood
- Symplocus tinctoria
- horsesugar
- Nyssa sylvatica
- Nyssa aquatica
- tupelo
- Liriodendron tulipfera
- tulip tree
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