1990 Winter NPS Newsletter


  • “The Styracaceae (Silverbell and Snowbells) of Louisiana
  • Charles W. Allen
  • R. Dale Thomas
  • Styracaceae
  • Halesia diptera
  • Styrax americana
  • Styrax grandiflora
  • Silverbell
  • Halesia
  • Snowbell
  • Styrax
  • two-winged silverbell
  • snowdrop tree
  • opposumwood
  • cow licks
  • Viburnum nudum
  • Ilex decidua
  • possumhaw
  • big leaf snowbell
  • large flowered snowbell
  • “The Sunflowers (Helianthus) of the Cajun Prairie”
  • Malcolm Vidrine
  • Helianthus
  • Helianthus angustifolias
  • common sunflower
  • Helianthus mollis
  • hairy sunflower
  • “Flore Louisiane”
  • Walter C. Holmes

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