1987 Winter LNPS Newsletter


  1. wild petunia
  2. Ruellia caroliniensis
  3. Ruellia noctiflora
  4. Native Magnolia Relatives of Louisiana
  5. Charles M. Allen
  6. R. Dale Thomas
  7. tulip tree
  8. Liriodendron tulipifera
  9. yellow poplar
  10. white poplar
  11. hickory poplar
  12. white wood
  13. yellow wood
  14. saddleleaf
  15. saddletree
  16. canoewood
  17. cucumber tree
  18. Lynn tree
  19. starvine
  20. Schisandra glabra
  21. wild sarsaparilla
  22. bay star vine
  23. stink bush
  24. Illiceum floridanum
  25. star anise
  26. Florida anise-tree
  27. purple anise
  28. Illiceum anisatum
  29. Illiceum verum
  30. What is a prairie?
  31. Dr. Charles Allen
  32. Dr. Malcolm Vidrine
  33. Liatris squarrosa
  34. Liatris pynostachya
  35. blazing star
  36. pink meadow beauty
  37. Rhexia mariana
  38. common goldenrod
  39. sweet goldenrod
  40. solidago odora
  41. foxglove
  42. Agalinis fasciculata
  43. Agalinis oligophylla
  44. yellow sunflower
  45. Helianthus mollis
  46. Eryngium yuccafolium
  47. bluets
  48. Houstonia nigricans
  49. wild petunia
  50. Ruellia humilis
  51. pencil flower
  52. Stylosanthes biflora
  53. grasses
  54. giant bluestem
  55. Andropogon gerardii
  56. little bluestem
  57. Schizackyrium scoparium
  58. switchgrass
  59. Panicum virgatum
  60. slender bluestem
  61. Schizachyrium tenuem

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