1987 Fall NPS Newsletter


  • wild petunia
  • Ruellia caroliniensis
  • Ruellia noctiflora
  • Native Magnolia Relatives of Louisiana
  • Charles M. Allen
  • R. Dale Thomas
  • tulip tree
  • Liriodendron tulipifera
  • yellow poplar
  • white poplar
  • hickory poplar
  • white wood
  • yellow wood
  • saddleleaf
  • saddletree
  • canoewood
  • cucumber tree
  • Lynn tree
  • starvine
  • Schisandra glabra
  • wild sarsaparilla
  • bay star vine
  • stink bush
  • Illiceum floridanum
  • star anise
  • Florida anise-tree
  • purple anise
  • Illiceum anisatum
  • Illiceum verum
  • What is a prairie?
  • Dr. Charles Allen
  • Dr. Malcolm Vidrine
  • Liatris squarrosa
  • Liatris pynostachya
  • blazing star
  • pink meadow beauty
  • Rhexia mariana
  • common goldenrod
  • sweet goldenrod
  • solidago odora
  • foxglove
  • Agalinis fasciculata
  • Agalinis oligophylla
  • yellow sunflower
  • Helianthus mollis
  • Eryngium yuccafolium
  • bluets
  • Houstonia nigricans
  • wild petunia
  • Ruellia humilis
  • pencil flower
  • Stylosanthes biflora
  • grasses
  • giant bluestem
  • Andropogon gerardii
  • little bluestem
  • Schizackyrium scoparium
  • switchgrass
  • Panicum virgatum
  • slender bluestem
  • Schizachyrium tenuem

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