Centipede Grass Eremochloa ophiuroides is a perennial, stoloniferous, mat-forming grass, native to China and Southeast Asia. It was intentionally introduced into the Southeastern U.S. in the early 1900s for use as a lawn grass. Since its introduction, it has spread into natural and disturbed areas such as roadsides. It can recover quickly following fires. Centipede Grass is spread chiefly by seeds, but also by transporting soil containing stolons. Seeds are dispersed by wind, but also spread to new areas by animals, vehicles, and contaminated garden tools and soil. Likewise, Centipede Grass stolons can be dispersed by humans, animals, and vehicles. The dense mats formed by Centipede Grass may outcompete native plant species, and the presence of this species lowers the chance of successfully seeding an infested area with native grasses.
It is classified by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries as a Tier II invasive species defined as “currently causing moderately negative impacts on wildlife or natural communities in Louisiana”. Centipede Grass is still widely available and promoted for use in lawns, parks, golf course roughs, and utility turf.
Landscape With These Native Plants Instead: